Oct 17, 2024  
CSU Maritime Academy 2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
CSU Maritime Academy 2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Academic Regulations and Policies

Academic Awards and Honors

Cal Maritime recognizes matriculated students who have demonstrated academic excellence through the following programs:

President’s List

The President’s List is published at the end of every semester to honor those students who have earned the highest academic achievement. For the spring semester, grades are calculated based on the academic semester - cruise and co-op grades are not included in this calculation. The student must meet the following criteria:

  • have a minimum semester GPA of 3.75
  • have no grade lower than a C
  • have a minimum of 12 graded units (excluding CR grades)
  • have no incomplete grades

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is published at the end of every semester to honor those students who have excelled academically. For the spring semester, grades are calculated based on the academic semester - cruise and co-op grades are not included in this calculation.

The student must meet the following criteria:

  • have a minimum semester GPA of 3.25
  • have no grade lower then a C
  • have a minimum of 12 graded units (excluding CR grades)
  • have no incomplete grades


At commencement, Cal Maritime recognizes academically-outstanding students who are receiving baccalaureate degrees with the distinction of academic honors. The honor is based on all academic degree work completed at Cal Maritime and indicates a high level of scholastic achievement:

  • cum laude, 3.25-3.49 GPA
  • magna cum laude, 3.50-3.74 GPA
  • summa cum laude, 3.75-4.00 GPA

Academic Dishonesty

Policy Statement

Cal Maritime functions best when its community members treat one another with honesty, respect, and trust. Because the quality of our graduates depends on the ethics they display, faculty members are expected to act promptly on suspected cases of academic dishonesty. The following policy is controlled by the California Code of Regulations Title 5 § 41301.

Academic Dishonesty

Cheating and academic dishonesty include all student behaviors intended to gain unearned academic advantage or to interfere with another’s academics by fraudulent or deceptive means.

Examples of inappropriate student conduct that can lead to the imposition of sanctions include, but are not limited to, the following (see Academic Senate Policy #547 Inappropriate Academic Conduct):

Taking Information

  • copying graded homework assignments from another person
  • unauthorized collaborative efforts on take home exams or graded homework
  • looking at another student’s paper during an examination
  • unauthorized use of text materials or notes during an examination.

Providing Information

  • giving one’s work to another to be copied, paraphrased, or plagiarized
  • giving answers to another student during an examination
  • after having taken an examination, passing information concerning the examination on to students who still must take it
  • providing a required writing assignment for another student
  • taking an exam, writing a paper, or doing a project for another student


  • unauthorized copying of all or parts of an article, paper, book, published work, or other proprietary source, including documents from the Internet, and submitting all or parts of the article or paper as one’s own work, without proper citations or attribution
  • submitting a paper acquired from a research or term paper service
  • failing to give credit for ideas, statements of fact, or conclusions derived by another author
  • failure to use quotation marks when quoting directly from another source, whether it is a paragraph, a sentence, or part thereof (except in some informal writing assignments, such as reading responses or reader’s logs/journals, when the instructor has specified different guidelines)
  • retyping a paper written by another and handing it in for credit
  • submitting a paper from house files for credit
  • claiming credit for artistic work done by someone else, such as a musical composition, painting, drawing, photo, sculpture, or design

Other Examples of Inappropriate Academic Conduct

  • conspiring with one or more fellow students to engage in any form of academically dishonest conduct
  • lying to an instructor to improve one’s grade
  • having another student take one’s exam or do one’s computer program or lab experiment
  • Submitting a paper that is substantially the same for credit in two different courses without the approval of both instructors
  • altering a graded exercise after it has been returned, then submitting the exercise for re-grading
  • removing tests from any location without the instructor’s approval
  • stealing exams or other course materials from an instructor or his or her agent
  • stealing or altering an instructor’s grade book or other academic records
  • using spell-check or grammar-check software on a writing assignment when expressly prohibited from doing so
  • accessing, changing, or using any information or data from a computer system to gain academic advantage for yourself or any other student.

General Statement of Student Responsibility

The student has full responsibility for both the content of academic assignments submitted for evaluation and the integrity with which all academic work submitted for evaluation has been done. Ignorance of an express rule regarding inappropriate student conduct does not excuse one from adhering to appropriate ethical standards in the completion of academic assignments. When in doubt as to the appropriateness of any action, students are to ask their instructors for clarification and guidance.

Academic Process in Response to Inappropriate Student Academic Conduct

Charges of inappropriate student academic conduct can be brought to the Chair of the Committee on Academic Integrity by an instructor, a student, or any employee of Cal Maritime. This person, if other than the instructor-of-record, must first discuss the matter with that instructor. The resultant protocols follow the policy of the Academic Senate, with the burden of proof on the person(s) bringing the charge of academic dishonesty, and with the student entitled to a hearing. (see Academic Senate Policy #547 Inappropriate Academic Conduct).

Copies of all documents pertinent to the charge should be appended to the statement of the instructor or person bringing the charge.

Committee hearings are closed to all except Committee members, the charged student, the instructor, the person bringing the charge, and the charged student’s advisor, witnesses, and other appropriate campus administrators.

Committee Findings

The Chair of the Committee on Academic Integrity will provide a written report of findings and recommendations to the Executive Dean of Academic Affairs. The Executive Dean  will ensure procedures were followed in accordance with the policy and procedures, and forward the results to involved student(s), course instructor, the Department Chair, the Academic Dean, and the Student Conduct Administrator. The Chair of the Committee will also forward a copy of the Committee’s findings to the Student Conduct Administrator. The Student Conduct Administrator is NOT to conduct separate or additional hearings on academic issues already adjudicated by the Committee on Academic Integrity. The Student Conduct Administrator may, however, initiate an inquiry and conduct hearings into whether the actions of individuals brought before the Committee on Academic Integrity also involve moral, ethical, leadership and character issues such as lying, stealing, breaking-and-entering, or other conduct unbecoming a student, and therefore also fall within the purview of the policies governing the Student Conduct Administrator.

Imposition of Sanctions

After verifying that the hearings were conducted in accordance with Cal Maritime policy, the Executive Dean of Academic Affairs will issue the letter to the involved student(s) setting forth the final disposition of the case and the terms of any disciplinary sanctions, with copies sent to the Chair of the Committee on Academic Integrity and the Student Conduct Administrator for inclusion in the student’s file.

Student Rebuttal and Appeals

Within three work days of receipt of the Committee’s findings, the charged student may submit a written rebuttal/comment to the Executive Dean of Academic Affairs to be included and considered with the Committee report. Within three work days of receipt of the letter from the Executive Dean of Academic Affairs stating the final disposition of the case, the student may appeal to the President. Appeals to the President must be in writing using the Appeals Petition Form available from the Student Conduct Administrator.

Sanction Guidelines

One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed upon any student whose conduct falls short of Cal Maritime’s standards of academic integrity:


A period of time during which limitations on status may include, but are not limited to, loss of specified privileges with acknowledgment by the student that any additional breaches of academic integrity will result in additional, more severe sanctions being imposed.


A mandated discontinuation of student status and temporary removal from Cal Maritime for a definite period of time.


A permanent, irrevocable termination of student status. Expulsion from one campus of the California State University extends to all other campuses within the system.

Denial of Admission or Readmission

Admission or readmission to Cal Maritime may be denied to any student found to have violated the provisions of Cal Maritime’s policy on Inappropriate Student Academic Conduct (see California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 41303.

Good Standing

Imposition of a sanction or denial of (or qualification placed on) admission or readmission means that a student is not considered to be in good standing for purposes of admission to any campus of the California State University system, for the period during which sanctions apply (see California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 40601(g)).

Record of Discipline

All actions involving probation, suspension, or expulsion shall be made part of the student’s permanent academic record.

Academic Standing

Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to be considered in good academic standing.(see section on Baccalaureate Degree Requirements  for details). If students do not meet this standard, the following actions will ensue:

Academic Notice

If an enrolled student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.00, or if a student transfers into Cal Maritime with less than a 2.00 GPA from previous college coursework, the student will be placed on academic notice. Students on academic notice must meet with their academic advisor to choose appropriate courses in which to enroll. Students will be dropped from classes if they fail to do so. Except in extraordinary cases, students shall enroll in a maximum of 15 semester credits.

To improve their GPA, students on academic notice are expected to repeat, within the term(s), specific courses in which grades of D, F, IC, WU or NC were previously earned.

Additionally, they are expected to complete a minimum of 12 units with no grades of F, and to earn a 2.00 semester GPA or raise their cumulative GPA above 2.00.

Students with a cumulative GPA below 2.00 will be allowed to continue on probation if their semester GPAs are at least 2.00, and they have completed 12 credits or more with no grades of IC, F or WU in any course taken. Students who fail to meet the above terms of academic notice will be academically disqmissed. Except in extraordinary circumstances, students on academic notice for the spring semester must meet the terms during the normal 15-week academic semester. Cruise or co-op grades at the end of the spring semester will not be used in the determination of a student’s academic standing.

Academic Dismissal

After a semester of academic notice, a student’s cumulative GPA is still below 2.00 and the terms are not met, the student will be academically dismissed. In addition, a student who has failed a course three times will be subject to academic dismissal. Students who have been academically dismissed will be notified by email as soon as this determination has been made. If a student feels there are extenuating circumstances that contributed to poor academic performance, an appeal must be made in writing to the Academic Dean (through the Registrar’s Office), within 10 days of the notification, explaining these circumstances. Written appeals will be reviewed by the Academic Dean and the Department Chair within 10 working days of receipt.


An academically dismissed student may seek readmission to Cal Maritime, but not before one full semester has passed. Complete information on the readmission process may be found on the Registrar’s Office website. Application for readmission must be completed by the following deadlines:

Fall Semester - Due by August 1st

Spring Semester - Due by November 1st

Summer Semester - due by December 1st*

*(Students who plan to take an International Experience course must appyl by this deadline).

In no case will an academically dismissed student be allowed to participate in the annual Training Cruise, Commercial Cruise, or Co-ops.

In addition, students dismissed for a third failure of a course must successfully complete the course prior to readmission. Academically dismissed students may elect to enroll at Cal Maritime through Open University to register for courses in which grades of D, F, IC, or WU were earned.

Students readmitted after academic dismissal will be admitted under current requirements for graduation, unless they have remained in ‘continuous attendance’ at another accredited college for at least one semester (or two quarters) per academic year.

Students readmitted after academic dismissil will continue on academic notice, unless they have been able to raise their overall cumulative GPA above 2.00 through Open University or another accredited college. Students readmitted on academic notice must adhere to the terms as described earlier.

Administrative Academic Notice or Dismissal

A student may be placed on notice or may be dismissed by appropriate campus authorities for unsatisfactory scholastic progress regardless of cumulative GPA or progress points. Such actions shall be limited to those arising from repeated withdrawal, failure to progress toward an educational objective, and noncompliance with an academic requirement, and shall be consistent with guidelines issued by the Chancellor of the CSU.

The following reasons constitute grounds for being placed on administrative notice:

  • withdrawal from all or a substantial portion of their courses in two successive terms or in any three terms
  • repeated failure to progress toward a degree or other program objective, when such failure is due to circumstances within the control of the student
  • failure to comply, after due notice, with an academic requirement or regulation that is routine for all students or a defined group of students

Students who do not meet the conditions for removal of administrative notice may be subject to further administrative actions, including administrative dismissal.

Academic Transcript Policy

Cal Maritime has partnered with the National Student Clearinghouse for collecting orders for transcripts. Transcripts are processed and mailed typically within 3-10 business days after the request is received at the Office of the Registrar. Visit the Registrar’s Office website, and select ‘Transcripts’ to initiate an order.

Students and alumni may request that transcripts are not sent until grades are processed for the current semester, or the degree has been posted.

Transcript requests will be canceled for any student who has an outstanding obligation (e.g. financial holds) to Cal Maritime. Students will be informed of this cancellation and will be required to resubmit a new request once their outstanding obligations are resolved. Students’ credit cards will not be charged for requests canceled for this reason.

For additional information, contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@csum.edu or call 707-654-1203 between 8 am and 4 pm PST.

Adding and Dropping of Courses

Students may add or drop courses up to a specific deadline in each semester.

Adding a Course

During published registration periods, students may add a course to their schedule. Faculty approval may be required if course capacity has been reached or if students are requesting to be added from a waitlist.

Dropping a Course

During published registration periods, students may drop courses online with no grade recorded on their transcript. Students are responsible for attending all courses for which they have registered. Non-attendance does not constitute a drop or withdrawal.


Withdrawals after the first two weeks of instruction and prior to the last three weeks of instruction may be allowed only for serious and compelling reasons (e.g. illness, accident, or death in the immediate family).

Students will be required to provide documentation or verification of their particular circumstances. Approval to withdraw from a course during this period must be granted by the course instructor, major Department Chair, and Academic Dean.

Students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units.

If withdrawal is approved, a grade of W will be posted on the student’s academic transcript, but it will not be used in calculating GPA or progress points. Students withdrawing without a serious and compelling reason may receive a grade of WU in the course. Appeals may be made to the Executive Dean of Academic Affairs.

Withdrawals shall not be permitted during the final three weeks of instruction except in cases, such as accident or serious illness, where the cause of withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control, and the assignment of an Incomplete is not practical.

Change of Major

Students wishing to request a change of major are advised to refer to the guidelines on the Registrar’s Office website. Students must be in good academic standing for this approval to be granted.

Additional Course Guidelines

Course Challenge

Students may receive credit for courses (grade: CR) by passing challenge examinations developed at Cal Maritime. The following rules apply:

  • students must demonstrate substantial knowledge and background in the areas they are challenging
  • approval must be obtained for each challenge from the instructor and department chair. Applications are available at the Registrar’s Office
  • the instructor must be presented with a receipt for the required fee, which must be paid prior to the challenge examination.
  • a course may be challenged only once
  • challenges will not be approved for courses in which any grade has been assigned, including F, IC, WU, or W.
  • challenges will not be approved for courses in which a student is currently registered, or in a semester in which a student has dropped the course to be challenged
  • challenges are not allowed in certain cases, such as the GWE Exam and certain STCW classes

Repetition of Courses

In accordance with CSU Executive Order No. 1037, it is the policy of Cal Maritime that students may repeat a course only if they earned grade lower than a C in that course. Up to 16 semester units may be repeated with ‘grade forgiveness’ wherein the new grade replaces the former grade for the purpose of the calculation of the student’s GPA. Although no longer used in GPA calculations, the previous grade remains on the student’s academic transcript.

Students may repeat an individual course with grade forgiveness no more than two times. Grade forgiveness shall not apply to courses for which the original grade was the result of a finding of academic dishonesty.

Cal Maritime will permit students to repeat an additional 12 semester units with ‘grade averaging’. In such instances, the grade after repeating shall not replace the original grade for GPA calculations. Instead, both grades shall be calculated into the student’s GPA.

A student who receives a grade of F, WU, or IC in a course for the third time while at Cal Maritime will be academically disqualified (see sections on academic standing and on readmission).

Students repeating a course at another accredited college are expected to adhere to Cal Maritime’s course transfer requirements. When a course is repeated elsewhere, the student will be given course credit toward meeting graduation requirements, and the overall GPA will be affected. However, the Cal Maritime GPA will not be affected.

Credit for Work Experience

Cal Maritime does not grant credit for work experience. If a student has such knowledge, the student may apply to challenge the appropriate course that parallels the work experience.

Credit by Examination

Cal Maritime grants credit to those students who pass certain approved examinations. These include the Advanced Placement (AP) examination of the College Board, College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and the CSU English Equivalency Examination (EEE).

Course Completion by Extension or Correspondence

Students may complete a total of 24 semester units by extension or correspondence to meet the baccalaureate degree requirements at Cal Maritime. Only extension or correspondence courses from accredited institutions are acceptable. The rules for course transfer apply.

Independent Study

An independent study course is substantial study above and beyond the regular offerings in the Cal Maritime academic catalog. One to three units of credit, determined prior to registration, will be granted for independent study. The student must arrange with a faculty member to be the student’s independent study advisor. Grading is typically by letter grade, although the student may request a CR/NC grading basis. An approved application for Independent Study must be on file in the Registrar’s Office by the end of the normal add period.

Individual Study

Individual study applies to any course listed in the Cal Maritime academic catalog but not offered in a particular semester. In very rare circumstances, a student may petition an instructor to offer a course that falls into this category. The department chair and instructor must approve the individual study. An approved application for individual study must be on file in the Registrar’s Office by the end of the normal add period.

Course Transfer and Academic Class Level

Course Transfer

The Records and Articulation Coordinator or designee will be responsible for approval of course transfer for continuing students. Appeals can be made to the Department Chair.

A student may take a course concurrently at another regionally accredited college if the course is established as equivalent and approval is made prior to enrollment. The student may be expected to provide a syllabus and other information about the equivalent course to initiate the approval. The equivalent course must carry credit equal to or greater than the course offered at Cal Maritime. The student must have an official transcript sent to the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the course, regardless of the grade earned.

Units and grades earned in transferable courses completed at other colleges are not used in calculating the campus GPA but are included in the student’s overall GPA.

Academic Level

Students are classified according to the number of overall units of baccalaureate-level course work completed (all college-level work, including that at Cal Maritime) for purposes of financial aid determination. Academic level distinctions are not applicable to watchstanding, priority registration, housing, graduation, or corps standing.

Academic level is calculated as follows:

Freshman 0-29.5 units
Sophomore 30-59.5 units
Junior 60-89.5 units
Senior 90 or more units

Credit Hour

The CSU defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in stated learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. Such evidence is an institutionally established equivalency that:

Approximates not less than:

One hour of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit (or 10 to 12 weeks for one quarter hour of credit) or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph 1.a. of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours; and

Permits an institution, in determining the amount of work associated with a credit hour, to take into account a variety of delivery methods, measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines and degree levels. Institutions have the flexibility to award a greater number of credits for courses that require more student work.

Faculty Advisors

Faculty advising is necessary for academic success. Students must consult with their advisors in any of the following cases:

  • registering for courses
  • adding courses
  • taking an overload
  • having been placed on academic probation

Grading System

The quality of a student’s work is measured by a system of grades utilizing the traditional A-F grading system. The following grades will be used in evaluating student performance, including appropriate participation in the learning experiences as well as in formal testing.

Letter Grades

Letter Scale Definition
A+, A, A Performance has been of the highest level, showing sustained excellence.
B+, B, B- Performance has been good.
C+, C, C Performance has been adequate, satisfactorily meeting the course requirements.
D+, D, D- Performance has been less than satisfactory.
F Performance has been poor, such that course requirements have not been met.poor, such that course requirements have not been met.
WU Withdrawal Unauthorized. Equivalent to an “F” (see Grade Explanations).
IC Incomplete Charged. Equivalent to an “F” (see Grade Explanations)
W Withdrawal. Student may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units (see Grade Explanations).
CR Credit. A credit grade equates to a grade of “C” or higher (see Grade Explanations); also used for course challenges.
NC No Credit. A no credit grade equates to a grade below “C” (see Grade Explanations).
AU Audit. An AU earns neither academic nor degree credit (see Grade Explanations).
I Incomplete. Course must be completed by the sixth week of the following semester (may be extended in extraordinary cases) (see Grade Explanations).
RD Report delayed.

Grade Explanations

  • Withdrawal Unauthorized: The “WU” grade indicates that an enrolled student did not withdraw from the course prior to the established deadline, and also failed to complete course requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. For purposes of GPA and progress point computations, this grade is equivalent to an “F”. It is the student’s responsibility to formally withdraw from a course for which they have registered but have never attended or have stopped attending.
  • Credit/No Credit courses in general: Some courses are offered only on a CR/NC basis. Grades of credit or no credit are neutral to the calculation of the student’s GPA even if the final grade is “NC”.
  • Credit/No Credit courses required for graduation: Some courses required for graduation are offered only on a credit/no credit basis. If the student’s grade in these classes is “NC”, the course must be repeated until the “CR” grade is earned.
  • Credit/No Credit option: A CR/NC grade option may be selected by the student in courses for which the A-F system is the norm. But no course that is necessary to fulfill a student’s graduation requirement may be taken on a CR/NC basis except as described above.
  • The following rules apply when a student selects a CR/NC grading option when the course is not normally offered on that basis:
    • the student must submit an application to the Registrar’s Office, which must be approved by the course instructor and the student’s department chair
    • the deadline for applying for CR/NC grading is the fifth day of the applicable semester
    • once the application for CR/NC grading has been made, the student may not change the grading option for that course
    • CR/NC is not used in the computation of the student’s semester or cumulative grade point average. An application for the credit/no credit grading option can be obtained in the Registrar’s Office.
    • In the case of remedial courses (EGL 001 Introduction to Composition, EGL 105 English as a Second Language, and MTH 001 Intermediate Algebra), the grade awarded must be on an A, B, C, NC basis. If a student receives a grade lower than a C, a grade of NC will automatically be awarded. Remedial courses carry units of credit that apply to the student’s unit loads for a given semester but do not apply toward graduation requirements.
  • Audit option: An auditor is a student who enrolls in a course for informational purposes only. A student must petition the Registrar’s Office to audit a class. Enrollment as an auditor is subject to permission of the instructor. Enrollment of auditors shall be permitted only after students otherwise eligible to enroll on a credit basis have had an opportunity to do so. Auditors are subject to the same fee structure as credit students and regular class attendance is expected. However, examinations and assignments are not mandatory.

Once enrolled as an auditor, a student may not change to credit status unless such a change is requested before the last day to add classes in that term. Likewise, a student who is enrolled for credit may not change to an auditor after the last day to add classes. An AU grade for the audited course will appear on the student’s transcript. An AU earns neither academic nor degree credit.

  • Incomplete: The grade “I” indicates that a portion of required course work has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified, reasons and that there is still a possibility of earning credit. It is the responsibility of the student to bring pertinent information to the attention of the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining course requirements which must be satisfied to remove the I grade. A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and evaluated.

An “I” grade must normally be made up by the end of the sixth week of the next academic semester unless the student requests an extension from the instructor. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an “I” being converted to an “IC” grade (which is equivalent to an “F”).

An Incomplete shall be converted to the appropriate grade or symbol within one year following the end of the term during which it was assigned. Where campus policy requires assignment of final grades on the basis of numerous demonstrations of competency by the student, it may be appropriate for a faculty member to submit a letter grade to be assigned in the event the Incomplete is not made up within one year. If the Incomplete is not converted within the prescribed time limit, it shall be counted as a failing grade in calculating grade point average and progress points unless the faculty member has assigned a grade in accordance with campus policy.

  • Incomplete Charged: This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Failure to complete the assigned work will result in an “I” being converted to an “IC” symbol, unless the faculty member assigns a specific letter grade at the time the Incomplete is assigned, which would replace the “I” in the student’s record at the end of the calendar year deadline. If the Incomplete is not converted within the prescribed time limit, it shall be counted as a failing grade (if the course was registered as a graded course) in calculating grade point average and progress points unless the faculty member has assigned a grade in accordance with campus policy. If the course was registered as CR/NC, a “NC” will be assigned as the final grade.
  • Withdrawal: The grade “W” indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from the course after the fourth week of instruction with the approval of the instructor and of the appropriate campus officials. It carries no connotation of quality of student performance and is not used in calculating the student’s GPA or progress points. Students may withdraw from no more than 18 semester units.

Grade Point Average Computation

Grade point averages are determined by dividing the total number of weighted grade points earned in the semester by the total number of graded units attempted in the semester. A weighted grade point is determined by multiplying the grade points earned in the course by the number of units in the course. The following grade points are assigned for each equivalent letter grade:

A,A+=4.0 B-=2.7 D+=1.3
A- =3.7 C+=2.3 D=1.0
B+ =3.3 C =2.0 D-=0.7
B =3.0 C-=1.7 F/WU/IC = 0.0


A semester unit at Cal Maritime assumes a one-hour class per week class for a period of 15 weeks. It is the standard quantity used for measurement of college and university work.

  • Lecture: One unit equals one hour of classroom work per week in most classes, predominately those of the lecture or lecture-discussion format. It is generally assumed that a student spends two hours of outside preparation for each hour spent in such classes.
  • Laboratory: In laboratories, there are two or three hours a week for each unit, depending on outside lab preparation. In specialized training and performance courses, such as sea training, ship operations, and intercollegiate athletics, there are more than three hours per week required per unit.

Miscellaneous Academic Policies

Normal Course Load

Twelve (12) to twenty (20) units constitute a normal course load at Cal Maritime. A student wishing to enroll in more than 20 units (15 units when on academic probation) must have the approval of his or her academic advisor and department chair. A student receiving financial aid must take at least 12 units during the fall or spring semester to be considered a full time student.

Registration Procedures

The Office of the Registrar handles all forms, procedures, and deadlines for registration. Registration for the fall normally occurs in the middle of the previous spring semester, registration for the spring/cruise semester occurs in the middle of the previous fall, and registration for the summer occurs during the spring semester.

All students must see their academic advisor prior to registration. Students are not permitted to attend any classes for which they are not formally registered.

Priority registration is offered to currently enrolled students by class, based on date of entry. Registration typically extends over a two-week period. Currently enrolled students not registering by the end of the registration period are subject to a $100 late fee and will be prevented from registering until the first day of the semester.

Incoming freshmen, and students accepted for readmission, register in a separate timeframe and after currently enrolled students have registered.

Classroom Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes unless an absence is properly authorized. It is up to the course instructor to establish an appropriate attendance policy, except for those courses that have outside agency requirements – STCW-approved courses. Students failing to adhere to the attendance requirements established by the course instructor or Cal Maritime may be dropped from the class.

Grade Change Procedures

AA-03-020 -  Student Originated Request for Change of Grade outlines the procedures and instructions to be followed should a student wish to challenge the appropriateness of a grade assigned for a specific course. A student must present the completed Student Originated Request for Change of Grade form to the Chair of the Committee on Academic Integrity within the first six weeks of the term following the term in which the grade in question was assigned.

Students Called to Public Service

Students called to or engaged in public service for reasons beyond their control will not lose registration priority, academic credit, fees, or degree status. Such activities may include military service, fire fighting, public security, or the like. To accommodate students, Cal Maritime will accept withdrawals under such circumstances at any point throughout the semester.

Students may be granted an extended leave of absence for up to two years for engagement in public service beyond their control. If currently enrolled, they must complete a leave of absence form with the Registrar’s Office. An approved leave will ensure that they retain their catalog rights and that they can register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission.

The federal government determines student loan grace and deferment provisions based on the circumstances of involvement in a particular public service. Should the  federal government modify its regulations governing various loan programs, Cal Maritime will adopt those modifications for its students.

Withdrawal from School

Students wishing to withdraw from Cal Maritime within the first two weeks of instruction may do so by completing the required paperwork in the Registrar’s Office. No grade for the semester of withdrawal will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

Students having a serious and compelling reason to withdraw after the first two weeks of instruction may do so without penalty. Approval to withdraw during this period must be granted by the student’s course instructors, major Department Chair, and Academic Dean. If a petition is approved, a grade of W will be posted on the student’s academic transcript. Students who have been granted such approval to withdraw must still follow all established procedures for formal withdrawal from Cal Maritime.

Students withdrawing after the first two weeks of instruction without a serious and compelling reason may receive a grade of WU in all classes.

Withdrawal from school with a grade of W during the final three weeks of instruction is permitted only when the cause of the withdrawal is clearly beyond the student’s control and assignment of an I (Incomplete) is not practical.

Students may either request a leave of absence for up to one year or withdraw if their return within one year is not anticipated. They are responsible for notifying the Registrar’s Office during the semester or during any break if they do not plan to return to school for the upcoming semester.

Academic Renewal

A maximum of one academic year of coursework with unsatisfactory grades may be excluded from credit and grade point consideration if course repetition is inappropriate (e.g. the major has changed, or the courses are not offered at Cal Maritime).

Removal of previous work from degree consideration under the above circumstances is subject to the all of the following provisions:

  • the student has requested the action formally and has presented evidence that the work completed in the term(s) under consideration is substandard and not representative of present scholastic ability and level of performance
  • at least five calendar years must have elapsed since the course work was attempted
  • from when the most recent work to be disregarded was completed, the student has subsequently completed, at the campus, 15 semester units with at least a 3.0 GPA; 30 semester units with at least a 2.5 GPA; or 45 semester units with at least a 2.0 GPA
  • the student provides evidence that past performance was due to extenuating circumstances and that additional enrollment would be necessary to qualify for a degree if the request were not approved
  • when such action is taken, the student’s permanent academic record shall be annotated so that it is evident that NO work taken during the disregarded term(s), even if satisfactory, may apply toward baccalaureate requirements. However, all work must remain legible on the record to ensure a true and complete academic history