Mar 31, 2025
CSU Maritime Academy 2024-2025 Academic Catalog
BUS 125 - Introduction to International Maritime Business and Supply Chain Management Class Hours: 3 Units: 3 This course provides an introduction to key concepts in the fields of international maritime business and supply chain management. International maritime business topics surveyed include a history of the maritime industry, global business, business formation, shipping operations, maritime regulatory and classification societies, port services and human resource management challenges. The psychological and physiological impacts of stress and fatigue on workers at sea and on land, their safety implications, policy solutions and best management practices are also covered. Functional areas of supply chain management explored in an integrated manner include procurement, operations management, transportation and logistics, inventory management, and demand planning. General business principles and information literacy relevant to research in the fields of international maritime business and supply chain management, as well as the social implications and societal impacts of these fields are emphasized.