Mar 31, 2025  
CSU Maritime Academy 2023-2024 Catalog 
CSU Maritime Academy 2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Police Services

Cal Maritime Academy Police Services provides 24 hours service on and around campus. Our mission is to provide a safe living and learning environment for our community. Sworn and non-sworn staffs work closely with our community to prevent crime, enforce laws, preserve peace, and provide educational programs. We are the first responders to campus emergencies. Officers conduct foot and vehicle patrols on campus, including interior patrols of the campus residence halls.

Some of our safety programs include: Safety Escort Program; Drug/Alcohol Program ; Don’t Stall-Call; Blue Light Emergency Phones; Operation I.D.; If I Were a Thief; and, Disabled Vehicle Assistance.

Police Services has three primary areas of responsibility: policing and patrol services; emergency preparedness; and parking/alternative transportation. For more information, please visit us at:

Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports

The Annual Security Report is required by federal law and contains policy statements and crime statistics for the University. The policy statements address the University’s policies, procedures and programs concerning safety and security, for example, policies for responding to emergency situations and sexual offenses. Three years’ worth of statistics are included for certain types of crimes that were reported to have occurred on campus, in or on off campus buildings or properties owned or controlled by the University and on public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus. This report is available online at

The Annual Fire Safety Report contains information on emergency and evacuation procedures, fire safety equipment and fire statistics in the residence hall. Three years’ worth of fire statistics and fire evacuation drills in the residence halls are included. This report is available online at

You may request a paper copy of either report from Police Services located in the Police Services building at 200 Maritime Academy Dr., Vallejo CA 94590.

Emergency Preparedness

Cal Maritime maintains a comprehensive Emergency Management Program that includes: (1) Risk mitigation; (2) Emergency preparedness; (3) Emergency response; (4) Recovery from emergencies that overwhelm campus resources; and, (5) the circumstances under which CSUMA’s Emergency Response Plan should be activated.

The Emergency Response Plan provides the basic structure and procedures that guide the campus’s response to extraordinary situations associated with natural and man-made disasters. CSUMA personnel and equipment will be utilized with the following sequential priorities: Priority I- Protection of life safety; Priority II- Maintenance of life support and assessment of damages; Priority III- Restoration of general campus operations; and, Priority IV- Financial reimbursement through the appropriate state and federal agencies. As operations progress from Priority I through IV, the administrative control of the campus will transition from the NIMS/SEMS/ICS structure back to the normal CSUMA organizational structure. The entire Emergency Response Plan is available at:

Parking and Transportation

The use of transportation and parking at Cal Maritime is considered a privilege that is granted subject to compliance with California law and The CSU Maritime Academy Parking Rules and Regulations. Parking is limited; therefore, a campus permit is required for all students, faculty, staff, and guests. Due to limited space and high demand for parking on campus, new incoming students must submit a waiver request to be considered for approval to purchase a permit. This form and detailed parking rules and regulations can be found here: