Mar 31, 2025  
CSU Maritime Academy 2023-2024 Catalog 
CSU Maritime Academy 2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Admission Requirements

  • Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission to California State University Maritime Academy are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. Complete information is available at the Cal State Apply website.



Admission Requirements

Graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree objective, a credential or certificate objective, or where approved, may have no program objective. Depending on the objective, the CSU will consider an application for admission as follows:

  • General Requirements - The minimum requirements for admission to graduate and post- baccalaureate studies at a CSU are in accordance with university regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations.
  • Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment:
    1. Have completed a four-year college course of study and hold an acceptable baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association, or shall have completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by appropriate university authorities;
    2. Be in good academic standing at the last college or university attended;
    3. Have earned a grade point average of at least 2.5 on the last degree completed by the candidate or have attained a grade point average of at least 2.5 (A=4.0) in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted; and
    4. Satisfactorily meet the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards for graduate study, including qualifying examinations, as appropriate university authorities may prescribe. In unusual circumstances, a university may make exceptions to these criteria.
  • Students who meet the minimum requirements for graduate and post-baccalaureate studies may be considered for admission in one of the four following categories:
    1. Graduate Classified - To pursue a graduate degree, applicants are required to fulfill all of the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards, including qualifying examinations, prescribed by the university; or
    2. Graduate Conditionally Classified - Applicants may be admitted to a graduate degree program in this category if, in the opinion of appropriate university authority, deficiencies may be remedied by additional preparation; or
    3. Post-Baccalaureate Classified (e.g. admission to an education credential program) - Persons wishing to enroll in a credential or certificate program will be required to satisfy additional professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards, including qualifying examinations, prescribed by the university; or
    4. Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified - To enroll in undergraduate courses as preparation for advanced degree programs or to enroll in graduate courses for professional or personal growth, applicants must be admitted as post- baccalaureate unclassified students. By meeting the general requirements, applicants are eligible for admission as post-baccalaureate unclassified students. Admission in this status does not constitute admission to, or assurance of consideration for admission to, any graduate degree or credential program. (Most CSUs do not offer admission to unclassified postbaccalaureate students).

(These and other CSU admission requirements are subject to change as policies are revised and laws are amended. The CSU website and the CSU admission portal are good sources for the most up-to-date information.)



All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose native language is not English and whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum score of 500 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Some programs require a higher score. Several CSUs may use alternative methods for assessing fluency in English including Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the International Test of English Proficiency (ITEP).


All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants must file a complete graduate application as described in the graduate and post-baccalaureate admission materials at Applicants seeking a second bachelor’s degree must submit the undergraduate application for admission. Applicants who completed undergraduate degree requirements in the preceding term are also required to complete and submit an application and the $70 nonrefundable application fee. To be assured of initial consideration by more than one campus, it is necessary to submit separate applications (including fees) to each. All CSU applications must be submitted online at the Cal State Apply website. An acknowledgement will be sent to the applicant when the online application has been submitted.

Graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree objective, a credential or certificate objective, or where approved, may have no program objective. Depending on the objective, the CSU will consider an application for admission as follows:

General Requirements - The minimum requirements for admission to graduate and post baccalaureate studies at a California State University campus are in accordance with university regulations as well as Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations.

Specifically, a student shall at the time of enrollment:

  1. have completed a four-year college course of study and hold an acceptable baccalaureate degree from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association, or shall have completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by appropriate campus authorities;
  2. be in good academic standing at the last college or university attended;
  3. have earned a grade point average of at least 2.5 on the last degree completed by the candidate or have attained a grade point average of at least 2.5 (A=4.0) in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units attempted; and
  4. satisfactorily meet the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards for graduate study, including qualifying examinations, as evidenced by:
  • Minimum of five (5) years of professional experience beyond the bachelor’s degree, at least three (3) of which must be at the supervisory or managerial level. Full-time work experience with written evidence documenting the nature and duration of the work experience is required.


  • Adequate performance on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) may be substituted for professional experience requirements.

In unusual circumstances, a campus may make exceptions to these criteria.

Students who meet the minimum requirements for graduate and post-baccalaureate studies may be considered for admission in one of the four following categories:

Graduate Classified - To pursue a graduate degree, applicants are required to fulfill all of the professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards, including qualifying examinations, prescribed by the campus; or

Graduate Conditionally Classified - Applicants may be admitted to a graduate degree program in this category if, in the opinion of appropriate campus authority, deficiencies may be remedied by additional preparation; or

Post-Baccalaureate Classified, e.g. admission to an education credential program - Persons wishing to enroll in a credential or certificate program, will be required to satisfy additional professional, personal, scholastic, and other standards, including qualifying examinations, prescribed by the campus; or

Post-Baccalaureate Unclassified - To enroll in undergraduate courses as preparation for advanced degree programs or to enroll in graduate courses for professional or personal growth, applicants must be admitted as post-baccalaureate unclassified students. By meeting the general requirements, applicants are eligible for admission as post-baccalaureate unclassified students. Admission in this status does not constitute admission to, or assurance of consideration for admission to, any graduate degree or credential program. (Most CSU campuses do not offer admission to unclassified post-baccalaureate students).



All graduate and post-baccalaureate applicants, regardless of citizenship, whose native language is not English and whose preparatory education was principally in a language other than English must demonstrate competence in English. Those who do not possess a bachelor’s degree from a postsecondary institution where English is the principal language of instruction must receive a minimum score of 575 (paper based), 240 (computer based) or 90 (Internet based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Some programs require a higher score. Several CSU campuses may use alternative methods for assessing fluency in English including Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), and the International Test of English Proficiency (ITEP).


The CSU must assess the academic preparation of foreign students. For this purpose, “foreign students” include those who hold U.S. temporary visas as students, exchange visitors, or in other non-immigrant classifications. The CSU uses separate requirements and application filing dates in the admission of “foreign students”. Verification of English proficiency (see the section on the English Language Requirement for undergraduate applicants), financial resources, and academic performance are each important considerations for admission. Academic records from foreign institutions must be on file in advance of the first term and, if not in English, must be accompanied by certified English translations.


The following are required for a complete application:

  • Application for Admission. The application can be accessed at  
  • $55 non-refundable application fee. Checks should be made payable to California State University, Maritime. Cash and credit cards are also accepted.
  • One original copy each of all official transcripts. Applicants should have the equivalent of a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree, with a grade-point average of at least 2.5 (with A = 4.0) during the last two years (60 semester units or 90 quarter units) of coursework in the degree program. Copies of official transcripts should be sent to the address below from all colleges, universities, military training and vocational training attended other than Cal Maritime.
  • Evidence of Readiness for Graduate Studies.  Submit one of the following:
    • Official test results on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)  General Test.  These tests are administered at test centers throughout the world.  To register for the GRE visit: To register for the GMAT visit:
    • Two letters of recommendation demonstrating a minimum of five (5) successful years of professional experience beyond the bachelor’s degree, at least three (3) of which must be at the supervisory or managerial level.  These letters should come from supervisors and business associates who can discuss knowledgeably your leadership, management, and academic abilities.

The completed application, the non-refundable $55 application fee and all supporting documents can be completed online or mailed to the address below.

The Office of Graduate Studies
The California State University, Maritime
200 Maritime Academy Drive
Vallejo, CA 94590


The total student cost for the program is $27,000.00 and includes all fees and books required for the 5-semester program.  This fixed price will be guaranteed provided the student stays on track and completes the degree within the expected time frame. 

An initial $1,000.00 non-refundable security deposit will be required to secure a space once a student has been admitted. That amount will be subtracted from the total program cost, leaving a $26,000.00 balance.  That remaining amount is divided into 5 equal payments of $5,200.00 each.  Payments will be due before the beginning of each term. In the event that a student withdraws, semester fees are non-refundable once a student has logged into that semester’s course or courses.

Federal loans and other programs have been identified and set up for students to make application.  Employers may also assist students with the cost of the program. Students should contact the Financial Aid department or their employers for more information.


Where no separate policy for graduate students is stated, the equivalent policy for Cal Maritime undergraduate students prevails. A clear understanding of program requirements and procedures as outlined in this catalog and at the Graduate Studies website will guide the student and will help avoid final semester problems and graduation delays. It is ultimately the graduate student’s responsibility to be aware of all academic requirements and administrative deadlines of the program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students admitted to graduate programs are expected to make systematic and successful progress towards the completion of their programs. The following policies are designed to assist the student in that endeavor.

Students must take the prescribed number and sequence of courses for their area of specialization. Students’ work must give evidence of Graduate level writing proficiency.

A grade point average of 3.0 or better in all courses taken must be achieved and maintained to satisfy the requirements of the degree per CSU Masters Degree Requirements policy. This standard applies to all graduate students, including candidates in graduate-level certificate programs. A student is considered in probationary status and subject to dismissal if the cumulative scholarship in all work attempted in graduate status falls below a ‘B’ (3.0), or if the student’s work in any two consecutive terms falls below a ‘B’ (3.0) average. The Dean of Graduate Studies determines a student’s eligibility to continue in the program if he or she has been placed on academic probation. If allowed to continue in probationary status, the student is required to make steady progress toward improvement in scholarship.

Grading System

Student’s work is graded using the A - F system. Grade point average computation is made using the following computation: A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0 and F=0.0. Course syllabi shall include a discussion of each individual instructor’s grading policy and how it applies to his or her particular course. In cases where the letter grade is modified by a + or -, the resulting numeric grade will reflect the appropriate fractional adjustment in the GPA.

Academic Probation

A graduate student will be placed on academic probation when the student’s GPA falls below 3.0 in any given semester. Consistent with guidelines issued by the Chancellor of The California State University, a graduate student may also be placed on probation for repeated withdrawal from the program, failure to progress toward an educational objective, and noncompliance with the graduate department’s program requirements.

A student placed on academic probation will be notified in writing via letter or e-mail and will be provided with the conditions to be met for removal from academic probation, as well as the circumstances which will lead to disqualification. Students shall be removed from academic probation once they have met the terms and conditions established in the notification of academic probation letter, and their cumulative graduate GPA is at least 3.0 or higher. Students not meeting those terms and conditions within the specified time frame will be disqualified from continuing in the program.

Academic Suspension and Removal From the Program

Students who are subject to academic probation and fail to meet the conditions established by their terms of probation in the notification of academic probation within the specified period of time will be subject to academic suspension and/or academic disqualification from the program. A student placed on academic suspension or removal from the program will be notified in writing via letter or e-mail and will be provided with the reasons which lead to his or her disqualification.

Withdrawal of Registration During a Semester 

In the event that a graduate student withdraws his or her registration during a semester, semester fees are non-refundable once the student has logged into their courses except in unusual circumstances which have been approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies or when doing so conflicts with the required return of student financial aid funds from federal, state, institutional, or other external sources. A recipient of such returnable funds withdrawing from the graduate program during an academic term may be subject to University repayment provisions in the amount of the funds returned to the lender. 

Non- refundable fees in any circumstances include but are not limited to the application fee and the initial enrollment deposit of $1,000.



In order to be considered for reinstatement, a disqualified student must demonstrate academic ability by completing conditions determined by the Dean of Graduate Studies. The student may then petition the Department of Graduate Studies for reinstatement. The student must submit the petition for reinstatement no later than three weeks before the beginning of the semester that the student intends to return. The Department of Graduate Studies will only consider the petition for reinstatement of students who have remained outside of the university for at least one regular (Fall, Spring or Summer) semester after their dismissal. Students who are disqualified, reinstated, and become disqualified a second time will not be granted a second reinstatement.

Leave of Absence

Students called to or engaged in public service for reasons beyond their control will not lose registration priority, academic credit, or degree status. Such activities may include military service, fire fighting, or public security. To accommodate such students, Cal Maritime will accept withdrawals at any point throughout the semester. Students may be granted an extended leave of absence for up to two years for engagement in public service beyond their control. If currently enrolled, they must complete a leave of absence form obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies. An approved leave will ensure that they retain their catalog rights and that they can register for subsequent terms without reapplying for admission.


In order to enroll in the graduate program’s Capstone course, students must have completed all required courses in the program with passing grades and resolved any outstanding Incomplete grades. Students who are on academic probation or who have an unresolved Incomplete in any course may not pursue the Capstone course without prior written approval from the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Procedure for an Unqualified Student to Petition for Permission to Enroll in the Capstone Course

Permission for an unqualified student to enroll in the Capstone course may be granted in the rare occasion that a student has only one outstanding course to retake or one outstanding Incomplete to resolve, and has demonstrated via an approved action plan the ability to successfully resolve those issues within a stated period of time not to exceed the period of time necessary for completion of the Capstone project. The student must pay full tuition for the semester(s) during which this resolution is addressed and will not be eligible to pay the lower Continuous Enrollment Fee.


Unless granted a formal leave of absence, graduate students are expected to register every term following their initial enrollment through its completion, including the term in which their degree or certificate is to be awarded. Students who have taken the Capstone course and whose project is either not filed or not approved by the end of the Capstone course semester are required to be continuously enrolled (including the Summer semester) until the project is completed and approved.

Qualifying for the Continuous Enrollment Fee

If a student has completed all requirements for a degree except the filing and/or approval of the Capstone project, the student may be eligible to pay a Continuous Enrollment Fee during the following semester(s) instead of registering at the full semester fee rate. This exception may apply to no more than the semester immediately following the semester during which the student was enrolled in the Capstone course.

Four conditions must be satisfied for the student to be eligible for this fee:

  • All formal requirements for the degree except for filing and/or approval of the finished Capstone project must be completed before the first day of the semester for which the Continuous Enrollment Fee is being requested;
  • Since the last day of the previous qualifying semester and up to the first day of the semester for which the Continuous Enrollment Fee is being sought, the combined use of Cal Maritime faculty and staff time must not exceed 12 hours;
  • During the semester in which the Capstone course was taken and the project was begun, the Capstone committee suggested only stylistic and/or typographical changes in the Capstone project rather than a change of the project itself; and
  • The student must have been enrolled at the full semester fee during the qualifying semester.

Procedure for Student to Establish Eligibility to Pay the Continuous Enrollment Fee

The student must complete a Continuous Enrollment Fee application signed by all members of his or her Capstone Committee certifying that all the above requirements have been met. Forms for this purpose are available in the Office of Graduate Studies. The student should submit the completed form to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies. If the Dean of Graduate Studies approves the Continuous Enrollment Fee application, the student will be billed for the amount of the Continuous Enrollment Fee rather than at the full semester rate. Otherwise, the full semester fee will be charged.

Important Notes Regarding Continuous Enrollment

Students paying the Continuous Enrollment Fee are not eligible for the privileges normally accorded regularly registered students other than the use of the library and e-mail resources, and the attention of the Capstone Committee members necessary for consultation and final approval of the Capstone project. If, after paying the Continuous Enrollment Fee in any one semester, a student should find it necessary to use the educational facilities of the University in any way other than usage of library or e-mail resources or requiring the attention of the Capstone Committee sufficient for a final reading of the Capstone project, then the student must resume registration at the full student enrollment fee rate. If this should occur during a semester in which the student has already paid the Continuous Enrollment Fee, the student will be billed for the balance of the usual semester fees.

  • A student may not use the Continuous Enrollment Fee for the purpose of taking course work of any kind.
  • The Continuous Enrollment Fee is not a substitute for enrollment for purposes of deferring student loans, nor does it guarantee eligibility for financial aid.
  • The Continuous Enrollment Fee will not be refunded if the Capstone project is not filed or passed.

Since Continuous Enrollment does not bear academic credit, it may not appear on a student’s transcript.


California Maritime Academy has and enforces regulations which forbid cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of inappropriate and unethical academic conduct. Students found guilty of these inappropriate actions will not be permitted to continue in the Graduate Program.

Conduct within the online environment as exemplified by postings in the course discussion forums and email communication is expected to exhibit a level of courtesy consistent with a professional interchange.


To be eligible for the Master’s Degree, the candidate shall have completed the following minimum requirements:

  • The successful completion of the specified course of study approved by the Curriculum Committee at Cal Maritime consisting of thirty semester units of approved graduate work. An overall minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B) is required.
  • Satisfactory completion of a capstone project. No more than two semesters shall be allowed for the capstone project.


In order to participate in the Spring commencement ceremony, students must have successfully completed all degree requirements and fulfilled all financial obligations toCal Maritime. In limited situations,students whose Capstone project will be accepted and approved in the Summer semester immediately following commencement may be eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony as a “Walk Only” candidate if they have received prior written approval to participate from the Dean of Graduate Studies. Under no circumstances will a student who has outstanding financial obligations to Cal Maritime be permitted to participate in commencement.

Procedure for an Unqualified Student to Participate in Commencement

Students who will complete their degree requirements by completing the Capstone project in the summer semester following commencement may be eligible to participate in the May commencement ceremony as a “Walk Only” candidate provided they file a Declaration of Intent to Graduate form showing project approval as achievable by the August immediately following commencement.  The Declaration of Intent to Graduate form must be approved by the student’s Capstone Committee and the Dean of Graduate Studies.